Recently I placed a post in my Attainment Rule blog (which is actually a website that first started as a blog: and because I placed a couple of images on the post that I got from the Internet, I thought perhaps that this would be something my MASTER BLOG CLASS readers would like assistance in doing so on their blogs. First go ahead and visit: and see the post about “Have You Given of Yourself Today?” post. You’ll see two pictures pertaining to the blog about “hugging”. You might even like the content and continue as a regular visitor and supporter of the blog. Basically it’s a blog where I encourage people to do more in their life; hey, maybe you’ll see something that will kick you into gear and get your own blog up and profiting!
Now that you’ve seen the two pictures(if you’ve gone to the attainment site), I will present a step by step how I added them from the Internet (not from those that I have on my computer).
If you are a reader who is “in this MASTER BLOG CLASS” having either been in a physical workshop or have registered online (click on the “fingers on keyboard” picture at the right for details), you may email me requesting a pictograph walk thru of this step by step method at no cost, using the email address you’ve been given.
Why would a blogger/site owner like you or me want to pull pictures from another site? It’s all about links. Just as we want people who have sites relevant to ours to link to us, they usually appreciate incoming links too. Do you have a website with a photo that you want your blog readers to visit? Using this method works to get your website picture on your blog that contains the link to your site.
Also, linking to another’s site is a form of the “giving away” principle I speak of at, because when someone sees this picture when visiting your blog or site, they might click on it and go to the original site and buy something from that site, or maybe both the site owner and visitor might be benefited in some other way. NOTE: Unless the picture has a copyright or phantom “watermark” on it, you are probably safe in using it on your site or blog as long as you “link” to the original site. Of course, its common courtesy to ask first, but I’ve never had a problem, and have actually received “thanks” for the added traffic to the original site I’ve linked the picture to. A CAVEAT: I’m not a lawyer, so these last sentences about using pictures from the Internet are not to be construed as “legal consul” and are to be used solely for “entertainment purposes”!
First, find the blog that you want to add a new post. I search my over 105 blogs and find that I haven’t placed a post in my “No Fees Marketing” blog where I actually give away my consulting services at no cost to non profit organizations. (You’ll see that that first entry for this blog was on my birthday; February 20th; a time when my thoughts were about “giving more” of myself).
Open your selected blog in the area for posting by clicking the NEW POST button. Because I don’t trust “building” my post within this area, I open a Word document, and create and edit my thougths there before copying and pasting in the post area.
I then complete my article post, copy and paste it from Word, into the posting area of Blogger. I usually come up with the title (which is typically also the “label”) after placing the content into the posting areas.
Now let’s find some pictures on the Net that will enhance our post’s message. I don’t want to find pictures of non profit’s (copy written) logos and I do want the pictures to be a bit general in nature. Every non profit wants money, so I open another web browsing page (don’t exit Blogger) and go to my trusted Google search bar and enter “paper money” because the word “money” may bring me too many results and “I haven’t got all day”. This brings up the suggested sites, but I want pictures so I now click on the “images” tab. These images show single bills; I want “stacks of money” so I place that key phrase in the search bar. Oh yeah, now we’re on to something. I like the first one and click on it to find the website.
When clicking, a page like this appears:
I click on “Website for this image” link. Well OK, this site is no longer up on the net, and the domain name is for sale. Hmmmm, opportunity anyone? I also like the stack of money shown (and the piggy banks look nice too, I may “edit” my content of my post just so I can include those little “cuties), I click on the image of the stack of money.
I click on the “Website for this image” link. This one works and it takes me to a site. I look at the site and find the picture of the stack of money.
I think I’ve seen this picture of money “a million” times on the Internet so I’m not too worried about anything, and like I’ve said prior, I will link it to the original site (actually the Blogger gadget system does the work).
Find the money; OK, find the image of the stack of money and right click it. This opens a message box. Click on “properties”. This opens a “properties” box that looks like this; it reveals the “code”.
Highlight the URL address, copy it. Now open your blog again and place the cursor within the blog post where you’d like to see this picture. Next you’ll need to click on the “picture link” at the top of your blog post box. This opens a “select a file” box. Click on “from a URL”.
Paste the URL code in the area that opens to you, and the image should automatically appear which indicates the image has been retrieved.
Click on the “add selected” button and the image is placed within your post. It’s easy to place in in a different location within your post if desired. Simply click on the image which creates the “handle bars” and move it where you would like.
I go back into my content and edit it to mention something about “saving money” so I can use those cute piggy banks. Ooops! When going to this site, I find that this photo is available for download at a price. Now I don’t mind paying, but I just wasn’t planning to spend or invest in photos this time. But, I’m now in the mood for “piggies”. I search and find some, follow the steps above to enter the picture in my post. I’m then satisfied with the looks of the post and the content so I click on “publish” and my post (with the pictures) is published. I click on view blog to see what it looks like. I then click on the pictures to see that the links to the sites is live (brings you to the sites you took the pictures).
If all is well, I close my blog knowing that I’ve now given my readers something to read and look at; plus the web robots have fresh content to “munch on”.
NOTE: Don’t use too many images within your blog post, make sure that the images enhance the message you are making, and try to get images that look similar in style and design.
At the end of my content I state the following (you may choose to use something similar): Images in this post are from other Internet sites. Feel free to visit those sites (by clicking on the images) and purchase any products or services offered. I’m not necessarily “endorsing” any products or services offered but in this way, I’m offering my “thanks” for being allowed the use of the images.
That’s it for today; make it a great one!
Terrific. Energizing. Results!
PS. If you can offer more insight on ways to do this or any other Blogger enhancement, please leave your comments; we learn from one another!