How Blogging can Make You Famous

Are you “famous”?
Do people know about you, your products and services?

Well, fame means different things to different people. I help people become “famous” on the Internet. I would like you to try something; it’s quick, and it will show you that anyone, even “yours truly” can be “famous”.

Type or paste the phrase, using quotes: "Man of 100 Blogs", into your search bar or the address bar, at the top of your Internet browser and see what it “finds”. (You do need to use quotes around the phrase or it won't work). You should see a few of my sites or blogs listed. Try the same technique using your name, your business name, your product or service etc. What are you finding? Are you anywhere?

I’m pretty sure that you found several sites, and web pages, blogs, etc. telling you about the “Man of 100 Blogs” when you searched for that “key word phrase”, so return here to this blog and I’ll help you to become famous. For now, can someone give me a buck for a cup of coffee?

Make it a great day!
Search for "coffee" at Internet Savings Search site:

What is "Crossblogging"? Ter Scott coined the word and explain...

Ter Scott Coins word:
Cross-Blogging, What is crossblogging?

If you are a Christian, blogging about the “cross” is something you’d probably do from time to time, but my term: “crossblogging” is much different. It’s simply using one blog to promote another; much like a bee cross pollinates or one might cross train to learn different areas of expertise at a place of work.
Because I’m known as the “Man of 100 Blogs”, crossblogging came to me quite naturally and I share and encourage the use of the technique with my online and in-class students.

For instance, in one of my 100 blogs: I share a way to send traffic to your website by offering great service, an inexpensive and lightweight “gift” in each package plus an insertion sheet telling buyers about your website and offers with every eBay shipment. I then share this idea with my readers at my “Master Blog Class Blog”: which “crossblogs” and connects both blogs. Actually by sharing both of these blog addresses here with you now (and especially when you visit them after I’ve mentioned them here) you see that I’ve actually been crossblogging right now!

“In every action that you do, ask yourself how you can use it to “piggyback” and build another action” Ter Scott

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Make it a great day!
