Another way that I maintain many blogs and make money with each

OK, everyone, how is your blogging going?

You know that I have over 100 blogs so I am very busy. Many people ask me why, and how I do this. First, because I make revenue from each, and as far as the why, I like writing, teaching, and eating.

Today I'm going to show you one way I maintain so many blogs, and how you can too if you choose. Always have your one “main” blog that you post in regularly such as daily, every other day or at least weekly. Any less than that, you have a “Ghost Blog” and no one likes to stumble upon a blog in which the author has been absent for what seems like “ages”; it’s like a ghost town, interesting at first but then we all wonder: “What happened; is the writer now a ghost?” Anyway, you get the picture. I move on.

I’m always writing and the first lesson I want to teach here is that as bloggers, we need to be writing. Next that our writings can get published as online articles which can lead readers to our websites and blogs… and hopefully become a “regular” who enjoys our content (and maybe our products and services. Cha-Ching!).

I recently wrote an article that was published at You can do this too; just be sure that it is good, edited, and not similar to anything else on the web as best as you possibly can tell.

I then created a brief post stating this as follows:

My latest article is published at Just go to the site and do a search for “Ter Scott” and find all articles, or simply click here to go directly to the article: . It’s titled: Your Creditors are People Too. Please after you read it, leave a comment and consider being a “follower” .

Next, I placed it in several of my blogs (you’ll need to visit them to see what and how I did it; go ahead and do so as it just takes a moment and you’ll learn what I’m doing and repeat it):

Publish Articles on the Internet to Direct Readers to Your Website at:,

Market Your Business By Writing Short Article on the Web,

…there are a few more but this is enough to give you the idea.

And finally, here’s a tip to try.
I also created a post with nothing but a clickable ad that will generate revenue when people click it just to see how it works; remember that each post title and post in your blog is like a “mini webpage” and has its own url for the search engines. I’ll let you know how it works for me and if I don’t feel free to ask me! Here are two blogs that I did this at; one with and one without a post title (I think I should have used a title with each):

Titled: Complete Oral Care: , and this one without a title (this is the blog that I do for someone else but I get the revenue!):

If you’ve read this blog without going to the links, you’ll certainly learn a bunch, but taking just a moment to click on each, you’ll see more clearly what I’m explaining so you too can do something similar on your sites and blogs.

Make it a great day!


 Terrific. Energizing. Results!

Write Your Own eBook in Only 7 Days

OK, you know that I'm all about thinking in abundance; using the Law of Abundance meaning that I want to help as many people as possible and share ideas whether they are mine or those of others.

I've asked my readers to this blog to leave comments that will help others and I hope you will do so.

Students of my in-class and online Blogmaster Class have asked me about creating and publishing Kindle Books and eBooks so I'm sharing something here.

I've run across a system for only the price is only $49 but I've made an arrangement with Jim to get this to you for only $29, but he will pull this offer soon.

Check it out. Just listen and watch his video. You'll get some ideas just by watching this even if you decide not to get the program. See the ad at the right: How To Write Your Own Ebook(r) In 7 Days!

Write And Publish Your Own Outrageously Profitable Ebook(r) In As Little 7 Days - Even If You Cant Write Or Type! Check it out right now before you forget.

As always,

Make it a great day!

Terrific. Energizing. Result!